Unleashed Assistant

Currency Exchange Rate & payment URL browser extension

Unleashed Assistant

Currency Exchange Rate & payment URL browser extension

Unleashed Assistant is a browser extension for Google Chrome, which enhances Unleashed inventory management features and provides live exchange rates and payment URL links

Live exchange rates – Unleashed inventory supports only predefined currency exchange rates, set per company. This requires the user to manually update the exchange rate for purchase orders, sales orders, credit notes and sales invoices to match the exchange rate for the required date. Such a requirement increases the chance for errors and inaccuracies in a business’ operation. As B2C becomes more popular the need for spot rates increases as well.

Unleashed Assistant automatically checks the required exchange rate for the appropriate date and compares it to the exchange rate entered in a purchased order, sales order, credit note or sales invoice. When the entered exchange rate is too different from the actual exchange rate the user is alerted and given the option to update the exchange rate.

Hundreds of currencies are supported and the exchange rate is sourced from Open Exchange Rates

Credit card payment URL – Unleashed inventory, does not support unique credit card payment URL links, direct from within Unleashed. Unleashed Assistant enables the creation of unique shorten payment URLs using ezyCollect. It creates unique short payment URLs, and injects them to your order comments, on Quotes, Sale orders and sale invoices. Allowing the user to send the printed documents direct from Unleashed, without the need to push them first to an accounting package.

Watch the following videos for an introduction to Unleashed Assistant

Contact us today to organise a demo or for more information